What to do with your new website url _ Cross Life Ventures

What to do With Your New Website URL

So, you have a new website and a new URL. That’s wonderful news! Congratulations! We understand that this is an exciting time for you and that you want to share with everyone your new link. We have created a list below of places you might consider updating your website link on. By updating your website URL on other websites, the better search engine results you’ll get and the better SEO you’ll have. Let us know if you need help or aren’t sure how to update some of these.

Add it to your social media About sections:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest

Add it to your promotional materials:

  • Flyers
  • Posters
  • Brochures
  • Advertisements
  • Update your email marketing settings in Mailchimp or Constant Contact; Also, update your footers of your emails

Add to your business materials:

  • Business cards
  • E-mail signatures
  • Business Magazines and Annual Reports
  • Handbooks and Directories
  • Update your telephone voicemails to include your new URL

Call any business or organization networks that lists your business or organization on their website such as:

  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Tourism Websites
  • Economic Partnerships
  • Community Event Websites
  • Community Organizations
  • Business Development Think Tanks
  • Local Media Connections

If your website developer hasn’t already, update your citation pages/local business listing pages. If we built your site, we have already done this for you:

  • Google My Business
  • Yelp
  • Foursquare
  • Bing Maps