Yellow Butterfly

Healthy Lifestyles and Where to Begin

Butterflies fly from flower to flower eating the pollen Mother Nature has provided. Butterflies are not very clean eaters and drop crumbs as they travel from each flower. The crumbs or seeds get scattered along the butterfly’s trail and create new growth opportunity for new life everywhere.

As butterflies fly from flower to flower, so do human beings in every step we take. Butterflies make crumbs and so do we. We are not perfect and living a healthy life can be a beautiful thing once we know how to do it.

Want to know the secret?

Just live and be happy because everything you do is YOUR choice and only YOUR choice. No one is forcing you to do anything or be anyone. Don’t follow the rules and don’t listen to what others say about YOUR life unless it is solicited advice. Want to eat that doughnut over there? Do it if it’ll make you happy! Don’t want to feel bloated at the end of the day because it won’t make you happy to be bloated? Don’t eat the doughnut! The choice is yours to be happy because it’s YOUR life.

Now that you know what the secret to a healthy lifestyle is, let’s get real about Healthy Lifestyles. Below is the only thing you need to know about beginning a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle isn’t a weight loss journey. It could be if you choose, but it’s much more than that. It’s the choice that you choose to live healthy in any way possible; mind, body, and soul. You may decide that right now in your life you have too much stress and you want to decrease that stress because it’s painful on your body. That is a choice of living a healthy lifestyle.

Here are the steps to follow for living a healthy life:

  1. Acknowledge what your current trouble is in your life.
  2. Decide to fix that said trouble.
  3. Come up with an execution plan on how you will fix your trouble.
  4. Execute the plan! This is the most important because many people forget to execute the plan.
  5. Evaluate your successes and failures. Make sure to do this step so that you know how to improve your next plan.

Everyone is different and everyone has their own struggles. It’s important to remember that we are all here to help each other because we individually try to manage our own lives, but together, we make the world continue to go around. Each of us are blessed with gifts and strengths and the strengths we aren’t blessed with, someone else is. Putting two heads together IS much more effect then just one.

Let’s try to help each other and continue to encourage one another to be the best we can be!