Double Arch_Cross Life Ventures

Priorities: What’s important to you?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives the word priorities three definitions.

  1. a (1) : the quality or state of being prior (2) : precedence in date or position of publication —used of taxa
    b (1) : superiority in rank, position, or privilege (2) : legal precedence in exercise of rights over the same subject matter
  2. a preferential rating; especially : one that allocates rights to goods and services usually in limited supply <that project has top priority>
  3. something given or meriting attention before competing alternatives

Each one of these definitions says that something is important.

When you create a to-do-list, you may begin by writing down everything you can think of that needs to be done. Then, you may go back and re-read the list. Do you start with the easiest jobs first or, do you start with the jobs that should be done first? Sometimes, I start with the easiest jobs just to get them out of the way, but is that what I really should be doing? If your child or significant other was ill and had a high-grade fever, would you wash the kitchen floor before taking your child or significant other to the doctor? Probably not. But in today’s world of mountain sized distractions, it’s easy to forget what is a priority and what isn’t.

It has taken me much self-discovery to realize what is truly important in my life. Is Facebook really what I should be spending my time on or should I be out in nature experiencing the flowers and trees, sun and animals. When I go for my daily walks, I don’t put headphones on because I want to make sure I hear all the beauty the world has to offer. One day, I may not be able to hear as well as I can now and I want to be able to experience everything I am able to.

When I create my to-do-list, I list everything I can think of. Then, I go back and re-read. I think about what the most important items are that need to be done this week that will help benefit my life today. Yes! The most important part of this whole blog is the phrase “help benefit my life today.” It’s easy to try to plan for the future of what ifs or live in the past of what was, but what I’ve learned from my life is that the present is the most important time to live in. Does anything really work out the way you wanted for the future? Is the future better than you could have planned or possibly worse? No matter how hard you try to plan for the future, things just don’t work out the way you planned; good or bad. How about the past? By living in the past, we begin to regret things that could have been better instead of living with the beautiful things that we have now. Maybe even worse, by living in the past, we could be clinging to our victories and not even realizing that we currently have nothing to show for from those victories.

“I fell off the ladder and my arm is broken.” I’m not going to wait until next week to fix what is going on in my life today, right now, in this moment. If I can prioritize my to-do-list that will help me benefit my life today, my life will be happier and I will be more pleasant to those around me. Doesn’t God just want us to spread His love to those around us making each of us happier and more pleasant? Do you think prioritizing our own lives will benefit the lives of others?